The City Council of the City of Bode, Iowa, met on December 2, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., at the City Hall, Bode, Iowa, pursuant to published notice. 

Mayor Peterson presided, and the roll was called showing the following members of the Council present and absent:

Present:  McKenna, Hasfjord, Miller, Fulwider, and Tepner

Absent: None

The Mayor announced that this was the time and place set for hearing on the plans and specifications, forms of contract and estimate of cost for the proposed Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II).

Upon investigation, it was found that no persons had appeared and filed objections to the proposed plans, specifications, forms of contract and estimate of cost of the Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II) as follows:

Council Member Fulwider introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Council Member Miller; and after due consideration thereof by the City Council, the Mayor put the question upon the motion and the roll being called, the following named Council Members voted:

Ayes:    McKenna, Hasfjord, Miller, Fulwider, and Tepner

Nays:  .None

Whereupon, the Mayor declared the said motion duly carried and the resolution #2024-07 adopted as follows:

A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, forms of contract and estimate of cost for the Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II) (A Copy of the entire Resolution is available at the Bode City Hall)

 Mayor Peterson announced that bids for the construction of the Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II) had been received until 2:00 p.m., on November 14, 2024, at the City Hall, Bode, Iowa, and that on the same day, at the same time, in the same place, such bids had been opened and read, and that this was the time and place set for the consideration of such bids.

Thereupon, the results of the bidding were reported, and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (the “Project Engineers”) made their recommendations thereon to the City Council. Recommending Midwest Injection, Inc of Cascade, IA for Contract #1(Lagoon Sludge Removal) and Doyle Construction, LLC of Fort Dodge, IA for Contract #2 (Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation)

The bids received for the construction of the Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II) are as follows:

Contract I - Lagoon Sludge Removal (three bids received)

1.Midwest Injection, Inc 1621 McCabe Lane Cascade, IA 52033                   $118,000

2. Bedrock Gravel Inc 1108 Highway 59 South Schleswig, IA 51461            $173,100

3. Hodges Farm & Dredging, LLC 501 NW Street Lebo, KS 66856                  $192,800


                Contract II - Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation(five bids were received)


1. Doyle Construction, LLC 516 N 6th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501             $1,060,141.50

2. Visu-Sewer, LLC W230 N4855 Betker Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072         $1,067,953.30

3. Municipal Pipe Tool Co, LLC 515-5th Street Hudson, IA 50643                 $1,213.788.30

4. Hydro-Klean, LLC 333 NW 49th Place Des Moines, IA 50313                     $1,406,287.12

5. Insituform Technologies USA, LLC 580 Goddard Ave Chesterfield, MO 63005



The City Council further considered proposals received for the proposed Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II) and embodied its findings in the resolution next hereinafter referred to.

Council Member Miller introduced the resolution next hereinafter set out, and moved that the said resolution be adopted; seconded by Council Member Tepner; and after due consideration thereof by the City Council, the Mayor put the question upon the motion and the roll being called, the following named Council Members voted:


Ayes:  McKenna, Hasfjord, Miller, Fulwider, and Tepner


Nays:  None


Whereupon, Mayor Peterson declared the said motion duly carried and the said resolution 2024-8 duly adopted.


                A Resolution awarding contracts for the Phase I Sanitary Sewer Collection and                    Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Project (Contracts I and II) (A           Copy of the entire Resolution is available at the Bode City Hall)


An Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Bode and Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc was reviewed, this agreement authorizes and describes our Sanitary Sewer Projects, once the CDBG grant language is incorporated this agreement will be brought back to the city council.


The City Council reviewed cash balances on accounts, following review a motion was made by Tepner, second by Fulwider to transfer a total of 180,000 towards the Sewer Project a total of 150,000 will come from Local Option Sales tax and 30,000 from Emergency Fund Levy. These funds will be used to lower the borrowing cost for the sewer project. All ayes, motion carried.


The Council discussed a nuisance property that had received a letter, following discussion it was concluded that the property has shown improvement, also stating that a few items still need to be removed from the property. Mayor Peterson will contact this resident to resolve the remaining items.


Todd McMahon, City Maintenance reported that draw down at the lagoon is complete and also the extra dumpsters ordered have arrived.


The following bills were examined and approved for payment:


Gross Wages                                                  8774.37            CenturyLink                                    421.13

Electric Pump                                                6291.42            Bomgaars Supply                          93.44

Farmers Cooperative                                1769.49            Carquest Auto Parts                    92.59

Gworks Annual Subscription               3600.00            Dakota Supply Group               296.53

Short Elliot Hendrickson                        3539.21            Harrys Heating & Cooling        64.00

Wastequip Dumpsters                             2373.00            Humboldt Ace Hardware         23.03

Nationwide surety bond                           130.00             Northwest Communications 31.48

Nugenco Inc powder coat bracket        85.00             VS Enterprise internet               420.00

Humboldt Newspaper publication       80.57             Fed & FICA                                   1964.60

IPERS                                                                  1443.62            City of Spencer landfill            577.29


                                                                General                                3567.99

                                                                Water                                     1093.45

                                                                Sewer                               10,863.23

                                                                Landfill/garbage            4363.51         


The next meeting is scheduled for January 6th, a motion was made by Tepner, second by Hasfjord to adjourn at 7PM.



Becky Struthers, City Clerk