The Bode City Council met in regular session Monday August 8, 2024 at 5:30PM in the council chambers. All members were present. Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Miller, second by Tepner to approve the agenda as posted with an addition added to include the adoption of a  Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan with Humboldt County. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Miller, second by Hasfjord to approve the minutes of the July 8th meeting as published. All ayes, motion carried.

City maintenance, Todd McMahon informed the council that the generators did not start during an electric outage, and he had contacted Murphy Farms (as they had purchased Buscher Brothers). Murphy Farms did yearly maintenance, and they are both working now. He also reported the clean-up efforts on a nuisance property has begun and was directed by Mayor Peterson where he will start next.

The council reviewed the 2024 Outstanding Obligation Report, currently 54,683.15 has been borrowed through the State Revolving Fund through our planning & Design loan.

Mayor Peterson signed the Request for Release of funds  through the Iowa Economic Development Authority. This followed the corrected environmental study and will allow the city to obtain the 500,000 grant that was awarded towards our Sanitary Sewer Project, when this project begins.

The City council reviewed sewer rate suggestions from Speer financial, it was advised to increase our sewer rates by 20%  now, and also gave advice to billing increases in the future once the sewer project is underway.

The following rates are being proposed:

SEWER RATES: 6-4-10 RATE OF SEWER AND MANNER OF PAYMENT. The rate of sewer rent shall be increased from 80% to 100% of the net water bill for each premise.

A public Hearing will be set for September 9th at 5:30PM, pertaining to sewer rates.

A motion was made by Fulwider, second by Tepner to approve Resolution # 2024-04 “ A Resolution of the Bode’s City Council adopting a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Bode. All ayes, motion carried.


Areas to advertise for an assistant part-time city clerk was discussed, Council member Tepner will research Indeed and find an application to be filled out once a resume is received. City Clerk will reach out to adventure staffing and Iowa workforce development as well as the local papers.


A motion was made by Hasfjord, second by Miller to set the next meeting as September 9th (due to the Labor Day holiday). All ayes, motion carried.


The following bills were examined and approved for payment:


Monthly Gross Wages              11,479.33                        IPERS                                                  1341.55

CENTURYLINK                                     391.71                        FED & FICA                                      1901.88

City of Spencer                                     312.95                        Central IA Distributing             2620.00

Agsource coop                                     210.00                        Bomgaars                                             87.23

Farmers Coop Diesel                       570.86                        Harry’s Heating & Cooling          18.00

Glenn Hasfjord key @ library      104.00                        Hawkins Inc                                        282.83

Humboldt Newspaper                    199.68                        Iowa DNR Water Fee                      67.91

Iowa One Call                                         20.70                       K.C. Nielsen gater tune up       215.06

Menards                                                      73.75                       Norms General Store                      82.99

MidAmerican Energy                      1337.22                       Murphy Farm Services              1079.14

Northwest Communications          31.45                      Quill Corporation                            160.86


                                                General                              12,610.78

                                                Road Use Tax                       809.98

                                                Water                                     1,198.20

                                                Sewer                                          257.26

                                                Landfill/garbage                 883.81



A motion was made by Tepner, second by Miller to adjourn @ 6:30PM



Becky Struthers, City Clerk