The Bode City Council met in
regular session Monday January 9, 2023 at 5:30PM in the council chambers. The
date was changed due to January 2 being a holiday. All members were present,
also present Julie Johnson and Jennifer Hasjford. Mayor Peterson called the
meeting to order, with a motion by Miller, second by Rongved to approve the
agenda as posted. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Hasjford,
second by Miller to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as published. All
ayes, motion carried.
Mayor Peterson appointed Carol
Miller as mayor pro-tem; other yearly appointments
are as follows: Brett Legvold with Arends, Lee, Emick
& Legvold Offices-City Attorney; Newspaper-Humboldt
Independent, Fire Chief-Mark Spaulding, Health Officer-Kossuth Regional Medical
Center, Bank-West Iowa Bank (Resolution # 2023-1), City Clerk-Becky Struthers,
City Maintenance-Todd McMahon. Mayor Peterson will serve on the 911 board.
Mayor Peterson informed the
council that the owner of the property located at 105 2nd Street had
been contacted regarding the nuisance that exists there; Mayor Peterson stated
that we will contact the owner once again, to try to come to an agreement on
this property.
A motion was made by Tepner,
second by Rongved to approve the Class C Liquor License with Sunday Sales to
the Red Lantern. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Miller,
second by Tepner to approve Resolution # 2023-2: “A
HEART OF IOWA REGIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND” This program offers up to $15,000
for eligible projects for owner/occupied households. Applications are available
at City Hall.
motion was made by Rongved, second by Fulwider to approve the Proposed Property
Tax Max Levy for fiscal year July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 and set public hearing
as Monday February 6th @ 6PM in the council chambers. All ayes, motion carried.
Johnson and Jennifer Hasfjord were present to discuss
the Youth Ministry Group (after school program on Wednesdays) that has been
utilizing the Community Center. They informed the council that they would be
moving this group to the Twin Rivers School as soon as insurance was set in
place. They thanked the council and Mayor Peterson informed them if they needed
to remain in the Community Center for a few more weeks, pending insurance start
date, they were more than welcomed.
council reviewed a proposal from Harry’s Heating & Cooling to replace the
furnace and A/C in the city hall. Following discussion a motion was made by
Rongved, second by Miller to approve this proposal in the amount of $6379. All
ayes, motion carried.
following bills were examined and approved for payment:
Monthly Gross wages 9976.29 Agsource Coop water samples 90.00
IPERS 1445.80 Arends & Lee 150.00
FED & FICA 1786.76 Cardmember Services 349.44
Bennett Recycling 1200.00 Carquest Auto Parts 35.88
Century link 355.92 Humboldt Newspaper 45.89
Farmers Coop LP 1629.18 Norms General Fuel 183.16
MidAmerican Energy 1599.95 Northwest Communications 31.48
Quill Corporation 136.14 Hach Company 159.97
Midwest Coating 5785.20 City of Spencer landfill 293.69
Continental Research 600.60 Hoags Plumbing & Heating 611.62
General 8093.95
Road Use 810.14
Water 2287.37
Sewer 76.25
Landfill/garbage 1270.00
The meeting adjourned @ 6:30PM
Becky Struthers, City Clerk