The Bode City Council met in regular session Monday March 7th at 5:30PM in the council chambers. Council members Miller, Hasfjord, Rongved, and Tepner were present; absent Fulwider. Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order, with a motion made by Tepner, second by Rongved to approve the agenda as posted. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Miller, second by Tepner to approve the minutes from the February 14th council meeting. All ayes, motion carried.

City Maintenance, Todd McMahon reported that he had found Solar Powered LED Blinking stop signs, a motion was made by Rongved, second by Hasfjord to approve ordering these signs at 816.37 per sign. All ayes, motion carried. Todd also informed the council that he is hoping to have a quote from Maguire Iron to clean and paint the outside of the water tower for the next council meeting, and will have an estimate for upcoming street repairs.

This being the time and place for a public hearing on the 2022-23 City Budget, there were not any taxpayer’s or citizens present for the public hearing. Therefore the 2022-23 City Budget is adopted as published.

A motion was made by Tepner, second by Rongved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2022-23, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CITY OF BODE’S ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023. Roll Call Tepner, Rongved, Miller, Hasfjord all voting aye.

A motion was made by Tepner, second by Rongved to approve a $50 donation to the Humboldt After Prom Committee. All ayes, motion carried.

Personnel Policies were discussed; several changes were discussed. Mayor Peterson will make the updated changes and bring to the April Council meeting.

A motion was made by Tepner, second by Rongved to set City Wide Clean-up Day as (one day only) and it will be Wednesday May 25th from Noon-8PM. Again, this year we will charge for furniture and mattresses, electronic waste, and appliances as we have in the past. Every household will be able to utilize this service free up to one vehicle. If more than one load a fee of $40 per trailer, $20 per pickup, and $5 per car will be charged. Look for details in the next city newsletter.

The tornado shelter access was discussed, Mayor Peterson will contact our Fire Chief to see if they have a protocol they follow.

Council member Hasfjord inquired about a tree that was scheduled to be removed last fall; this tree will require the city to clean-up and remove once it has been cut down, we are hoping to have this completed this spring.

A motion was made by Rongved, second by Miller to set the next regular meeting as April 4th.

The following bills were examined and approved for payment:

Monthly Gross wages                                     8072.48                 City of Spencer landfill fees         491.50

Fed & FICA                                                          1888.94                 Agsource Coop water sample        13.75



IPERS                                                                     1251.16                 Bomgaars paint                                   20.35

Farmers Coop LP/Fuel                                    1412.25                 Centurylink                                         338.05

MidAmerican Energy                                      1507.52                 Harry’s Heating & Cooling               62.60

Humboldt Newspaper                                      314.53                 Norm’s General store                     266.79

Auditor of State                                                  800.00                                                


                                General                                8212.15

                                Road Use Tax                       793.45

                                Water                                   1996.62

                                Landfill/Garbage              9612.33


A motion was made by Tepner, second by Miller to adjourn @ 6.30PM


Becky Struthers, City Clerk