The Bode City Council met in regular session June 6, 2022 in the council chambers. Council members Fulwider, Rongved, Miller, and Tepner were present; absent Hasfjord. Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Rongved, second by Tepner to approve the agenda as posted. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Rongved, second by Tepner to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as published. All ayes, motion carried.

Todd McMahon, City Maintenance reported that Schoon’s Tree Service has removed the tree located on second street and the city has cleaned up the area, the city pickup has been taken to O.K. Tires and had the tires balanced, Clean-Up days was on May 25th, this year we had very few participate, the grabble hooks on the tractor will be replaced as the old ones are bent, and bids to replace our existing tractor are being sought.

This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on Water and garbage rate increase. There were no residents present at this hearing. Following discussion, a motion was made by Fulwider, second by Rongved to approve the changes in Ordinance # 2022-1 WATER RATES AND Ordinance # 2022-2 Refuse or Garbage Collection rates and waive the second and third reading and adopt the Ordinances as follows:

WATER RATES: Water usage shall be billed quarterly. Water shall be furnished at the following rates per property services within the city limits:

The first 1,000 gallons    55.00/quarterly an increase of 5.00 per quarter. All over 1,000 will be billed 2.00 per 1,000.

GARBAGE RATES: “Residential Premises” two (2) bags per week to increase 6.00 per quarter at a rate of 39.00/per quarter. 

Roll Call: Tepner, Fulwider, Miller, and Rongved all voting aye.

Residential Dumpster rates will be discussed at the July council meeting.

A building permit at 507 Humboldt Ave for a wheelchair ramp, and 205 2nd Street for a 4’ wooden fence was approved by Mayor Peterson prior to the meeting.

Term Life/Short Term Disability will be listed in the Personnel Policy as benefits offered to all employees considered full or part-time. 

City Employee evaluation was discussed; a motion was made by Tepner, second by Rongved at approve a 3% rate increase for Todd McMahon from 24.80 to 25.54 per hour and Becky Struthers from 20.60 to 21.21 per hour. As needed or “on call” employees Jeff Wheeler and Paul McMahon was tabled from this wage increase until the July council meeting.   

Old Business, caller ID for City Hall will be revisited.

The next regular meeting will be July 11th due to the 4th of July Holiday; a motion was made by Rongved to adjourn.

(Minutes taken by Council member Miller)

The following bills were examined and approved for payment:

Monthly Gross Wages                    11,004.64             Abens, Marty, Curran Property   1029.00


AgSource Coop Services                     404.25             IPERS                                                     1272.87

Algona Welding & Machine              460.00             Bennett Sanitation                            534.10

Bomgaars Supply                                      9.99              Cardmember Services Pole            860.00

Central IA Distributing                        418.00               Centurylink                                           350.35

City of Spencer landfill fees             262.91               Farmers Coop LP                                 148.64

Hawkins Inc Azone 15                         240.55               Humboldt Newspaper                       66.55

IMFOA Membership Dues                  50.00               Martin Marietta rock                        427.12

Norm’s general Store Fuel                552.30               Northwest Communications           31.48

NUGENCO Inc powdered coat           50.00              O.K. Tire Store                                       60.00

Quill Corporation toner, envelop   242.45               Sande Builders Mart                           36.49



                                General                10,708.64

                                Road Use Tax       1,925.73

                                Water                        976.50

                                Sewer                        171.25

                                Landfill/Garbage  1272.10


The meeting adjourned at 6:10PM


Becky Struthers, City Clerk