The Bode City Council met in regular session August 1, 2022 at 5:30PM in the council chambers. Council members Rongved, Miller, Fulwider, and Tepner were present; absent Hasfjord. Also, present Jim Murray representing Twin Rivers school and Emanual Turdo. Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order with a motion by Rongved, second by Tepner to approve the agenda as posted. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Miller, second by Rongved to approve the minutes of the July 11th and July 25th council meetings. All ayes, motion carried.
The council had received a few requests from residents concerning raising poultry within the city limits; Title IV- Mental and Physical Health, Chapter 1 Animal Control, Section 4-1-7 Livestock this Ordinance restricts poultry from residing within the city limits. The council discussed many scenarios concerning poultry, council member Fulwider and Miller voted to allow them within the city limits with some restrictions, council member Tepner and Rongved voted against this change. Due to a tie, Mayor Peterson voted against allowing poultry. This ordinance will remain in effect.
City Maintenance, Todd McMahon reported that Central Tank will be in town to clean and disinfect the water tower, the tractor is currently getting the a/c repaired, and also mentioned that the new flashing stop sign on main street was hit.
The American Rescue funds in the amount of 43,216.86 was once again discussed, the city received funding in August of 2021 from this plan. These funds are to be used for infrastructure within the city limits. A bid to have the exterior of the water tower cleaned and repainted was received from Central Tank Coatings in the amount of 31,000. The council heard of the need to add a fire hydrant near the Tower as a way to isolate the tower. Todd will receive a quote for purchasing and installing a new hydrant, this project finances would come from these funds.
The city has applied for a USDA funding in the amount of 28,400. These funds, if approved, would be used towards upgrading our utility tractor. Following review of 3 different makes of tractors a motion was made by Tepner, second by Miller to approve the bid from R & J Material for a Kubota 4wd tractor in the amount of 85,225.54 before discounts/trade-ins. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Rongved, second by Miller to change the updated Personnel policy once again, this policy will once again allow comp time vs. overtime for City Maintenance position. Motion carried; Council member Tepner was opposed to this change.
The council once again discussed a way to reuse the 9,999.60 received from a CDBG grant, the homeowner received the 5-year forgivable loan in 2018 and had not met the entire requirements for the 5 years. The money received back can be Reused following a Program Reuse Plan allocated towards housing. This item will be brought to the September council meeting or until allocated.
The council reviewed the 2022 Outstanding Obligation Report.
A motion was made by Miller, second by Rongved to approve the closing of 1st street between Humboldt Ave and Rossing on August 20th for a back-to-school fundraiser put on by Norm’s General Store. All ayes, motion carried.
The council received notification from the Bode Community Club that they would have the park shelter painted, they have ordered another Veterans Flag display case, and more rock will be added to the Mini Park. The community club will finance these improvements.
A motion was made by Rongved, second by Miller to set the next regular meeting as Tuesday September 6th, due to the Labor Day holiday. All ayes, motion carried.
The following bills were examined and approved for payment:
Monthly gross wages 8804.43 Agsource Coop samples 156.75
Humboldt County Auditor 28-E 3775.00 Bomgaars siphon pump 12.99
Humboldt County Treasurer drainage 4531.47 Central IA Dist paint 384.00
Ohalloran International A/C Compress 1121.56 City of Spencer landfill 272.10
Hawkins Inc Azone 15 532.61 Hach Company 315.66
SEH Engineering firm 1200.00 Humboldt newspaper 87.89
Iowa DNR (NPDES) 210.00 Iowa One Call 9.90
Norms General Store fuel 178.37 Northwest Communications 31.45
IPERS 1250.99 Fed & FICA 1872.54
General 4977.84
Water 1072.43
Sewer 5941.47
Landfill/garbage 1393.66
The meeting adjourned @ 6:35PM
Becky Struthers, City Clerk