The Bode City Council met in regular session Tuesday September 7, 2021 in the council chambers. (The date was changed, due to the Labor Day Holiday) All members were present, council member Peterson joined via telephone. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Tepner to approve the agenda as posted. A motion was made by Douglas, second by Fulwider to approve the minutes as published. All ayes, motion carried.

Council reviewed a quote from O’Halloran International on replacing the transmission in the GMC truck. The cost is 7,467.13. A motion was made by Douglas, second by Fulwider to approve this repair. All ayes, motion carried.

Setting City Service Rates were discussed; the council reviewed the Iowa DOT equipment rates as well as FEMA Equipment rates. It was decided to have city clerk and city maintenance review these rates that coincide with our equipment and bring back to the October Council meeting.

A motion was made by Peterson, second by Tepner to approve the building permit to pour a concrete foundation at 603 7th Street. All ayes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Fulwider, second by Tepner to approve the building permit for an 8X16 deck at 104 Oleson Ave. All ayes, motion carried.

A motion was made by Tepner, second by Fulwider to approve the building permit for a fence at 400 Christiana Ave. All ayes, motion carried.

A quote of 3400 was received to remove a tree in the city easement between 600 2nd street and 608 2nd street, this item was tabled until further bids are received.

Trick or Treat night is set for Sunday October 31st from 5-7PM.

The city has received 9,999.60 from a CDBG grant, the homeowner received the 5-year forgivable loan in 2018. The money received back can be Reused following a Program Reuse Plan. Following discussion, the council may use this towards another housing program or demolition of a dilapidated home. This item will be brought back to the October Council Meeting.

The council also reviewed the funding of from the American Rescue Plan, the city did apply and is eligible for 43,216.86 that will be received in two payments. This money is to be spent in accordance with a “Scope of Work” the list the primary responsibilities under this task is in compliance with ARPA Act of 2021 and is direct towards water or wastewater improvements.

The following bills were examined and approved for payment:

Monthly Gross Wages                                    8505.27                 AC/DC Welding & Construction  120.00

IPERS                                                                     1339.09                 AGSource Coop                                  13.50

Fed & FICA                                                          1882.76                 Century link                                        419.58

MidAmerican Energy                                      1357.40                 City of Spencer landfill                   298.66

Crahan Electric                                                      36.50                 Hawkins Inc Azone 15                     185.25

Humboldt Newspaper minutes                      55.54                 Menards water supply                   112.43

Northwest Communications internet          61.16                 Quill Corporation toner                 170.99

Sande Builders concrete/boards                    93.96



General                5418.88

Road Use Tax     1565.14

Water                   6514.99

Sewer                     210.00

Landfill/garbage  551.53




A motion was made by Tepner, second by Fulwider to set next regular meeting as October 4th @ 5:30PM


A motion was made by Peterson, second by Tepner to adjourn @ 7:15PM



Becky Struthers, City Clerk