The Bode City Council met in regular session October 5, 2020 at 5:30PM in the council chambers. Council members Douglas, Peterson, Fulwider, and Tepner were present. Absent Dale. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Peterson to approve the agenda as posted, all ayes motion carried. A motion was made by Tepner, second by Fulwider to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as published, all ayes motion carried.
Todd McMahon, City Maintenance informed the council that the fire hydrant by the New Cooperative elevator had been damaged. It was decided to send the bill for materials and labor to the elevator was it has been repaired. Purchasing new dumpsters and also a street sweeper was also discussed; Todd will be providing cost for new dumpsters and cost on street sweepers at the next council meeting.
The City Clerk had contacted the insurance company on installation requirements for a diesel barrel, following review of the regulations and discussion on a double walled barrel it was suggested to have Todd contact our insurance company to make sure requirements are understood. Following discussion, a motion was made by Tepner, second by Peterson to amend the funding from the previous meeting to include the cost of a double walled barrel not to exceed 3500. All ayes, motion carried. Council member Douglas will discuss with the fire department on sharing the cost of the barrel and also look at the use of off-road diesel should the fire department share in this barrel.
A motion was made by Peterson, second by Tepner to approve the contract to Bennett Recycling through October 31, 2021. The city will pay 400 per month for this service. All ayes, motion carried.
Nuisance properties were discussed, letters will be sent out to the owners of homes that currently have weeds/volunteers’ trees blocking view of water meter readers, a letter will be sent to residents on burning grass clippings, and also a letter will be sent to a resident that has not completed their building permit.
The city has been contacted by Bolton & Menk, an engineering firm that was involved in providing the city with RFQ’s for a possible sewer project. Following discussion, a motion was made by Peterson, second by Fulwider to have the city clerk contact Bolton & Menk and reaffirm that the city had not entered any type of an agreement or contract with said company, also confirming that any type of payment for services needs to be approved by the council.
A motion was made Douglas, second by Tepner to adjourn @ 6:45PM.
The following bills were examined and approved for payment:
Algona Welding & Machine 300.00 Monthly Gross Wages 8063.13
Brown Supply hose,plow blade 526.90 Fed & FICA 1640.12
Central IA Distributing 169.50 Bennett Recycling Oct-Dec 1200.00
Centurylink phone 362.63 City of Spencer landfill fees 333.74
Continental Research sludgemeister 869.72 MidAmerican Energy 1336.70
Humboldt Newspaper minutes 78.97 Iowa DNR water use fee 95.00
The Retrofit Company 491.75
General 7249.35
Road Use Tax 769.28
Water 479.14
Sewer 1169.72
Landfill/Garbage 2025.49