The Bode City Council met in regular session Monday August 3, 2020 @ 5:30PM in the Bode Community Center.  Council members Douglas, Fulwider, Peterson, and Tepner were present; absent Dale. Also present was Shirley Helgevold from Midas Council of Government and several property owners from Bode. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Tepner to approve the agenda as posted. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Tepner, second by Douglas to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as published.

Todd McMahon, City maintenance reported that he had a water plant inspection recently with the DNR, we should be receiving a written report from them in regards to the inspection available soon. He also informed the council that the City Pickup is in need of new tires. 

This being the time and place for a public hearing to expand the Urban Revitalization Tax Abatement plan, that would include the entire city limits and also include residential properties as well as commercial properties. Mayor Miller opened up the public hearing, Shirley explained this plan allows a tax abatement on new construction and also would allow abatement on current properties that show a 15% improvement on the assessed value of their properties. Several questions were addressed, City Clerk explained that building permits would still be required for all new construction or any improvements that would alter the size of the existing buildings on the property. Applications for abatement are available at Bode City Hall, once the council has approved the application; the City Clerk will forward these applications to the County Assessor. The public Hearing closed at 6:01PM

A motion was made by Douglas, second by Fulwider to approve Resolution # 2020-3 A Resolution of Finding/Plan Adoption. This resolution enables Cities to designate areas as Urban revitalization Zones to attract or stimulate development. Ayes: Douglas, Fulwider, Tepner, and Peterson.

Douglas moved to adopt Ordinance # 8-2020-1 An ordinance Designating an area of Bode, Iowa, as the Bode Urban Revitalization Area, second by Fulwider. AYES: Douglas, Fulwider, Tepner, and Peterson. A copy of the entire Ordinance is available at the Bode City Hall.

Douglas moved to waive the 2nd and 3rd reading of Ordinance # 8-2020-1, and adopt an ordinance Designating an area of Bode, Iowa, as the Bode Urban Revitalization Area as written. AYES: Douglas, Fulwider, Tepner, and Peterson.

Jess Tepner informed the council that the City web page is active; the domain name is we are hoping to be able to utilize this website to better inform the public.

Nuisance Properties were discussed; the property at 101 Rossing has been acquired by the city however the mobile home on the property would need to be disposed using Iowa Code Chapter 555B. At the advice of the attorney the council can sale this property “As is”. Following discussion, a motion was made by Peterson, second by Tepner to have City Clerk notify Malloy Law Offices that we will no longer need their services to complete this sale. Fulwider, abstained from the motion.

A motion was made by Douglas, second by Fulwider to Sale this property at 101 Rossing Ave “As is”, all in favor. Motion carried.

Discussion on properties in town that are not complying with the City of Bode Ordinances, a motion was made by Fulwider, second by Peterson to have City Clerk contact city attorney as to proper procedures to abate nuisances.

A motion was made by Douglas, second by Tepner to approve the building permit at 300 College Ave for a ground level floating deck. All ayes, motion carried.

The Council reviewed the Outstanding Obligation report for 2020. Total outstanding debt is 7,900.

The next meeting is set for September 14th.

The following bills were examined and approved for payment:

Monthly Gross Wages                   8482.02 Abens, Marty, Curren Agency                    194.00

Arends & Lee                                       137.50                 Carquest                                                                   9.13

Centurylink                                           343.07                 Continental Research Corp                          232.12

Humboldt County Auditor            3473.00 Humboldt Newspaper                                     84.50

Iowa DNR NPDES                               210.00                 Iowa One Call                                                      12.60

Northwest Communications           99.95                 OHalloran International                                 689.99

Redings Gravel                                    205.20                 Bomgaars Supply                                               20.26

Team Laboratory                                660.00                 Fed & FICA                                                      2212.62

IPERS                                                     1583.84


                General                                                4621.53

                Water                                   1913.09

                Landfill/garbage                 167.10


The meeting adjourned @ 7:36PM


Becky Struthers, City Clerk