The Bode City Council met via conference call, due to Covid-19, Monday April 6, 2020 at 5:30PM. All members were present. Also joining in on the conference call was Wes Boyer & Jillian Krieg from Bolton & Menk, Mark Walter from New Cooperative, and Shirley Helgevold from Midas Council of Government. City Clerk was in the City Hall, also joining by conference call. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order with a motion by Douglas, second by Fulwider to approve the agenda as posted. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Tepner, second by Dale to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as published. All ayes, motion carried.
Mayor Miller gave the city maintenance report stating that the Plow truck is currently having brakes and a hydraulic leak repaired. He also said that per Governor Reynolds ordered parks have been shut down and will be reevaluated May 1st as when to reopen.
Mark Walter from New Cooperative approached the council regarding a building permit for a 750,000 bushel storage capacity concrete silo that would be built on Parcel 0217278005 (401 Legion Street) this storage unit would allow farmers coming in from the North of Bode to actually unload without crossing the railroad tracks. The permit consists of the Storage unit, receiving tower with a leg that would extend 156’ tall, and also a weigh station. Following discussion, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Tepner to approve the permit as stated. All ayes, motion carried.
Tax Abatement for this New Cooperative expansion was also discussed, this area is currently not included in the Tax Abatement area. Shirley Helgevold from Midas Council of Government explained that when the Urban Revitalization plan was last done in 2007 it only included the area of expansion that now serves as a warehouse and fertilizer plant. The plan has a 7-year abatement plan that reduces the amount of taxes paid for a period of 7 years. Shirley suggested that the city encompass the entire city limits. Following discussion, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Dale to set public hearing as May 4th @ 6:30PM to consider including all areas within the city limits to be eligible for tax abatement through new construction or a percentage of improvements to residential or Business prior properties. All ayes, motion carried.
This being the time and place for the Public Hearing @ 5:45PM for Communication Upgrade Equipment through a grant application with the USDA Rural Development. There was no one present for the public hearing, Mayor Miller called for any objections and there being none, Council Douglas made a motion, second by Dale to approve this application.
This being the time and place for the Public Hearing @ 6PM for Sanitary Sewer Improvements through a grant application with the USDA Rural Development. There was no one present for the public hearing, Mayor Miller called for any objections and there being none, Council Tepner made a motion, second by Dale to approve this application.
Two Resolutions were also adopted pertaining to the USDA Financial Assistance grants for Communication Upgrade Equipment & Sanitary Sewer Improvements. The Resolutions #4-6-20 (1) and 4-6-20 (2) allow the Mayor and City Clerk to sign all documents relating to the USDA Rural Development grants. Moved by Douglas, second by Fulwider to approve the Resolutions as written. ROLL CALL, All Ayes.
Shirley Helgevold presented a proposal for the city to use in requesting RFQ’s for the proposed project including development of a preliminary engineering report/facility plan, final design, bid administration and construction administration for sanitary sewer system improvements. Midas council of Government will mail the RFQ’s to several engineering firms with proposals returned to the City Hall in Bode by April 28 at 4PM. Following discussion, a motion was made by Fulwider, second by Douglas to approve this process and set the date of May 4th to review all proposals received.
A motion was made by Tepner, second by Fulwider to approve Mosquito Control of Iowa for the upcoming spraying season. The city will pay 1585 for this service. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Peterson, second by Douglas to set the next meeting as May 4th @ 5:30PM. All ayes, motion carried.
The following bills were examined and approved for payment:
Monthly Gross Wages 7741.42 Carquest Auto Parts 333.99
IPERS 1111.95 Carrol Implement mower blades 182.45
Fed & FICA 1533.54 Brown Supply gasket 19.00
Bennett Recycling April-June 1200.00 Central Iowa Dist towels, gloves 195.40
Team Laboratory weed killer 1746.00 Century Link 343.15
City of Spencer landfill fees 293.85 Continental Research Corp patch 15 258.18
Farmers Cooperative LP 895.37 Ed M Feld Equip SCBS Bottle 140.00
Mangold Environmental 139.50 Norms General Store fuel 410.47
North Iowa Lumber face shields 33.39 Northwest Communications internet 19.99
Quill Corporations answering machine 78.37 Thompson Sewer & Drain 225.00
General 2955.73
Road Use 258.18
Water 338.80
Sewer 2797.42
Landfill/Garbage 1602.56
A motion was made by Peterson, second by Douglas to adjourn @ 6:42PM
Becky Struthers, City Clerk