Bode City Council met in regular session Monday January 7, 2018 at 6PM in the
council chambers. All members were present. A motion was made by Dale, second
by Douglas to approve the agenda as posted.
A motion was made by Douglas, second by Tepner to approve the minutes of
the December 3rd council meeting, with an amendment to the minutes in regards
to the cameras, instead of 2 cameras for 769.99 and the total of Six
cameras will be purchased. That should have stated 2 NVR’s systems will
be purchased with 6 cameras per system for a total of 769.99 each per
system. All ayes, motion carried.
Miller gave the City Maintenance report; he informed the council that the City
Garbage Truck that was recently purchased is in use at this time.
City Clerk informed the council that a “conflict of interest” has occurred with
our city attorney in regards to the Public Nuisance Properties. She informed
the council that our attorney would pass on all of the information obtained for
this to another attorney. A motion was made by Tepner, second by Douglas to
have a letter drafted to send to our attorney, Council member Douglas stated he
would help with this letter that would be sent from the Mayor. A motion was
also made by Douglas, second by Dale to start a “Condemnation of Property”.
Council member Douglas will gather information on this process.
Clerk directed to call other neighboring towns as to what attorney is used when
a conflict of interest exists.
Miller appointed D.L. Peterson as mayor pro-tem; other yearly appointments are
as follows: Brett Legvold with Arends, Lee, Emick & Legvold
Offices-City Attorney;
Newspaper-Humboldt Independent, Fire Chief-Mark Spaulding, Health
Officer-Kossuth Regional Medical Center, Bank-West Iowa Bank (Resolution #
2019-1), City Clerk-Becky Struthers, City Maintenance-Todd McMahon.
letter from the Humboldt Community Animal shelter was available to the council,
a meeting to establish a board of directors, 501 ( c ) ( 3), checking
accounting, and several other items. Mayor Miller and Council Jess Tepner will
attend this meeting.
council reviewed a Recommendation for Improvement from EMC Insurance in regards
to cushioning materials for the playground equipment at the city park.
Ideas for the upcoming budget was also listed on the agenda, councilmember
Douglas requested the fire department would like to possible set up a plan that
would set aside money for the department to possibly purchase a new pumper
truck in the future.
following bills were examined and approved for payment:
Monthly Gross Wages 9986.24 ACCO liquid Chlorine 114.50
Bennett Recycling Jan-March 1200.00 Carquest Auto Parts filters 117.92
Bode Fire Department 2018 allow 5810.00 Centurylink 329.66
Farmers Coop LP 1467.75 City of Spencer landfill 231.42
Fed & FICA 2133.91 Ed M Feld O Ring 29.50
IPERS 1409.61 Humboldt Newspaper 38.79
Fire Service Training Bureau 1975.00 MS & Sons brass fitting 33.68
MidAmerican Energy 1402.55 Northwest Communications 19.99
Quill Corporation calendars, ink 133.44 Bomgaars Supply filters 166.68
Jess Tepner (extension cord) 4.59
General 10,475.72
Road Use Tax 744.63
Water 554.78
Sewer 62.00
Landfill/Garbage 1,549.34
The meeting adjourned @ 7:10PM