The Bode City Council met in regular
session Monday September 10th the date was changed due to the Labor Day Holiday. All members were present. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order,
with a motion by Tepner, second by Douglas to approve the minutes of the August
6th council meeting. All ayes, motion carried. A motion was made by Dale second
by Rongved to approve the agenda as posted; all ayes, motion carried.
Todd McMahon, City maintenance, reported
that draw down at the city lagoon will begin again. He also informed the
council that the Generator has been installed at the pump house; this generator
has been part of a Mitigation Grant which the city has applied and received
funding for 14,112.07 will come from the federal funding and 1,881.61 will come
from state funding, while the city will be responsible for 2,822.41 for this
project. Todd also had pricing for new tractor tires, following review a motion
was made by Douglas, second by Tepner to approve two new tires at 571 per tire
plus installation. All ayes, motion carried.
Mayor Miller and Todd had inspected several
areas of streets that need milled out and replaced with blacktop. Following
review, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Rongved to award Fuller &
Sons Paving to repair the areas for a total cost of $10,287. All ayes, motion
The council reviewed two estimates for
repair to city owned property and also to the Community Center from the hail
storm which caused damage on May 1st. Following review, a motion was
made by Peterson, second by Tepner to hire Weinert Construction for all
repairs. The City has received payments from insurance companies for these
repairs. The city owned properties have what is known as “replacement cost”,
these buildings will receive 100% funding to repair. The community club
building has what is known as “actual cash value”, this insurance did not cover
the total amount of damage received. City Clerk directed to contact our
insurance company, on future procedures for the community center insurance.
Council member Tepner presented cost on
wi-fi in the community center, a computer for the city maintenance shed, as
well as a point to point access to allow internet in the maintenance shed as
well. Following discussion, a motion was made by Douglas, second by Dale to
approve this with a limit of $1500 funding. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Douglas, second by
Peterson to set Trick or Treat night as Wednesday October 31st from
5-7PM. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Douglas, second by
Tepner to approve the CDBG housing grant Payable # 8 in the amount of $2100.86.
All ayes, motion carried.
Council member Douglas presented a proposal
for the area next to the community center, he presented cost for a possible
fence, rock, picnic tables giving an estimated cost of $3964 to beautify the
area where the Hundertmark Building was removed. Following review City
Maintenance directed to receive a few bids on picnic tables for this area.
Tabled until the October meeting.
A motion was made by Douglas, second by Dale to approve the
2018 Street Finance Report. All ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Tepner, second by Rongved to approve a
building permit to 406 Christiana Ave for a 94 foot privacy fence. All ayes,
motion carried.
Council member Douglas informed the council that the cost to
repair the “warning siren” would be at the expense of the city, Mayor Miller
directed to contact Melody with Humboldt County emergency Management to see if
funding is available for this project.
Snow removal was discussed, “snow should not be blown into
the street when removing from driveways or business locations”. Council member
Douglas will contact “Norm’s General Store” once the city plow has plowed the
streets, any removal from private property cannot be blown backout into the
“just plowed streets”. City clerk will list this in the newsletter.
A motion was made by Dale, second by Tepner to set the next
meeting as Monday October 1st. The meeting adjourned at 7:40PM
The following bills were examined and approved for payments:
Monthly Gross Wages 7388.37
Humboldt County Hospital splints 579.99
IPERS 1162.20 Mangold Environment samples
Fed & FICA 1566.08 GDL Property mosquito spray 460.00
Farmers Coop LP 1584.37 Continental Research weed 458.74
Norms General Fuel 582.37 Centurylink 326.26
MiAmerican Energy 1203.30 Team Lab Weed killer 369.50
Carquest brake fluid 64.77 Harry’s
Heating A/C clean out 52.00
CNH Capital tractor repair
8938.14 Bomgaars bushings 26.93
Fastenal Co bolts/nuts 652.29 ACCO
liquid Chlorine 114.50
Central IA bags 98.20 City
of Spencer landfill fees 569.17
Abens-Marty Curran Ins 1060.00 Humboldt Newspaper 62.36
General 16,008.61
Use Tax 745.43
Water 22,430.77
Sewer 42.00